Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 32 and 33
Ice Hockey in Nebraska in August with the outside temperature at 95F! That is what the boys are doing at the Fremont Family YMCA. The ice stays in the arena all summer and tonight is public skating. When you come out of the arena building, not even the rink, the heat and humidity hit you like a wall. Yes it is now humid something we have not yet had to endure along with the heat. Just slowly walking between our tent and the gear truck makes you hot. I don’t know how we bike in this heat. After the ride today I have probably drank 1.5 gallons of various liquids and only gone to the bathroom once in the last 6 hours. There is a nice wind – nice once you are in camp - but it wore out a lot of people on the last leg of today’s ride. There were a lot of rolling hills, no shoulder and the hot southeast wind. We were riding mostly east which was tough and part of the time heading north so there the wind helped lift the spirits and the speed. Average speed just over 29kph for the 154km ride. Tomorrow is a day off, then we head into another long distance week, problem is the first two days are light and we make up for it towards the end with 2 - 180km days back to back but that is next week. Now we get to relax for a day, and fix bikes, go to church, do laundry and any other chores that need to be done. There is a small water park for kids here just 200 ft from my tent. I have been in it twice and am sure I’ll do so again tomorrow. I mentioned yesterday about being able to ride long and hard. The one physical gift I have been blessed with is that of endurance and so the ability to work hard at anything for a long time. I have trained for cycling for many years so my whole body is in tune with that except one part keeps complaining, especially when I first get back on the bike seat. It is now Sunday afternoon, 100F outside but we are enjoying the hospitality of the Good Sheppard Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod; which is right across the road from our camp. Some of us attended each of the two morning services here and they offered to let us use the facilities and provide food and drinks right away. Some of our group are sleeping in the building as well. Last night it didn’t get much below 80F and remained humid all night. Most of our group went to two CRC churches, one in Omaha and one in Lincoln, both quite a drive away. Lunch was provided but it was a long trip. Thanks for the words of encouragement and support both written and unwritten.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wybengas,

My name is Heidi VanDeemter. Way to go on the bike tour so far, what an accomplishment for you all!!!, hooray! I am Diane Praamsma's niece who lives in Waterloo. She wants to pass on a hello to you and wasn't sure how to "comment" to bloggers. I said I would try for her. They just left our house after a nice holiday Monday visit and BBQ. As well, Diane (my Aunt Peach) has a brother (who is my Dad) who started the tour in Denver going until Grand Rapids. His name is Dick Kastelein the 73 year old determined Dutchie who took on the challenge!! We hope you get a chance to meet him. we know how you all had a tough week with heat, humidity and long rides this past week. We have only had a bit of contact (e-mails from My Dad)so far. Heard you had been riding a tandem until recently!! Neat, are there any photos on blogs of you on the tandem? Would love to see? Wishing you continued strength for the weeks to come. Heidi

Fred & Helen said...

Unbelievable weather for all the bikers isn't it?

Thanks for your updates, we can sense that you are now getting closer.

Madison WI is a beautiful city. That's where your map is leading you this week.

We're certainly praying for all of you.

Fred & Helen