Monday, August 25, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 52 ‘It’s raining out’ came the report from those coming in for breakfast. Our tent was closed except for the back vent flap and I figured that by the time I got out to the back of the soccer field to close it that I would be wetter than the tent if it was coming in thru the flap. Anne however went for it and closed her tent , my flap and another tent in the area. The rain didn’t last long and we went on the bike ride to Niagara-on-the-lake as planned. John Vandersteen decided to come with us sort of at the last minute. He was raised in St. Catherines and shared many personal anecdotes with us during the tour. Rita and I had biked in the area before but Anne had never been and I thought that it would be a shame not to see some of the homes, wineries and flower gardens in the area. This area played a very important roll in the shaping of Canada and the town is full of beautifully restored historic buildings. This is a tourist town and the restaurant prices reflect that, $12 for 4 cups of plain coffee. The bakery down the road sold nice cinnamon buns for $1 each so that offset the coffee price. Next we made our way along the Niagara River bike trail to Queenston for the Celebration Service. The sky had been threatening and not long after we got to the park the skies opened and it rained in varying intensity for the next 2 hours as all the others arrived, including 8 members of my family. We saw lots of other people we knew and had an enjoyable afternoon. The sky cleared as people were making their way from the pavilion where we had the peach social to the open-air amphitheatre and before long the sun came out. The service itself was a mix of singing older familiar song and new one some familiar and others not. The sermon was a broad overview trying to cover all the issues of poverty elimination as applied to the prescribed text about the fruits of the Spirit followed by more singing. A meal of salads, hamburgers and hot dogs was served for all who cared to partake. I would say that over a thousand people attended and most took advantage of the meal, many haven driven for several hours in order to attend this local celebration.

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