Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 38 & 39 “He holds his peace though men accuse him falsely…so we when called to suffer wrong should try to be like him and in affliction hold our peace”, the words of St. Matthews Passion. Sunday morning music in my ears. What a change from the wind in my helmet, the sound of truck tires on the pavement, the whistles of trains, the hustle and bustle of early morning weekday preparations, the mad rush when we entered Madison to get bussed to showers, set up camp, to get bussed to the laundromat and then hurry to eat. My usual ritual both here on the road and when at home is to sit quietly on Sunday morning and listen to some glorifying music to set the mood for the rest of the day. Yesterday, the short ride day for the week (116km) or so it seemed after riding more than 520 km the three-preceeding days. Dordt College just a few days ago, just a memory now, so long ago. Try to think back to the first week of riding in Washington, only 6 weeks but almost impossible. Saturday started out raining, heavy at times then letting up as if it were stopping. I was not in a hurry to pack up a sopping wet tent, to get my recently cleaned bike all dirty again, to get wet. How much rain gear to wear? Take? I proceeded to pack slowly stretching my time a bit more and took off when there was another break in the rain. As it turned out it was the last shower for the day, the roads soon dried up and eventually the sun came out. Part of the ride was along an old railway bed now covered with packed sand/limestone screenings/pavement and all in various states of repair so this called for some careful riding on our skinny tires. Before this stretch the pavement had been good, a light wind in our back and the scenery nice with the rolling hills. I stopped in Mt. Horeb to post for the day before as planned knowing that once we got here there would be a lot to do. The 2:30 ride to the church went off well, we had to funnel 140 bikes down a two-bike wide cycle path but there were no spills. The welcome band was out for a festive arrival. Shuttles and other services were provided both Saturday and all day Sunday.

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