Monday, August 11, 2008

ea-to-Sea NA Day 40 What a lunch today. Delavan CRC put on a very nice spread for us. Roast Beef on a bun, Sloppy Joe type mix, salads of all kinds, brownies with ice cream and coffee or other drinks. The church was at the 80km point in a 130km ride so ideally suited for a break. The ride itself was through rolling mixed farming country. Old oak trees surrounded the family farm type operations. The roads for the most part were excellent, the temperature in the high 70s with scattered clouds. All in all a beautiful day for riding and a beautiful ride. For the first part of the ride I took it easy; riding by myself so I didn’t have to watch anyone’s wheel and could look around. The second part I turned on the gas a little after having eaten two helpings of beans and a bunch of jalapeƱo peppers. Passing George vK always leads to a debate on his part, do I continue at my pace or jump on Bill’s wheel? It usually takes him a while to decide and he usually decides to catch me after I’m ahead by a few hundred feet. This pattern repeated itself today and we set a good pace after that, alternating the lead, for the rest of the ride at speeds of 40-45kph for a lot of it. Today I rolled the camera up with my tent and didn’t realize it was missing until I got on the bike so as a result I did not take any pictures today. Tomorrow we enter Chicago land so the scenery will change from rural to urban.

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