Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA I'm trying to post yesterdays notes and some photos for the week from the library in Mt Hored, a town at the 80km mark in our ride for the day. They say our internet system is working but I have some time today so thought I would try this. At first attempt the photos wouldn't download so I may have to do those tonight from Madison. Sea-to-Sea NA Day 37 We are now in Wisconsin, having crossed the Mississippi River about 30km back. There was a nice downhill to the river valley; which is much broader than the river is now. Of course we had to climb out of the valley again. This climb was about 10% of the total climbing for the day. The hills have increased in size over what we had the last few days. The forests have returned and they break up the landscape. The rolling countryside is dotted with dairy farms; which look more prosperous than those we saw in Iowa yesterday. Early in the day the road was terrible. I’ve heard of loose spokes, flats due to hitting holes and now of someone seriously injured. Latter the paved shoulder was strewn with gravel to various degrees due to recent grading work on the gravel shoulder past the pavement. This meant crossing the rumble strips to avoid the gravel, a tricky move –dashing into the traffic lane using the 10ft long break in the rubble strip which come along every 50 ft or so at speeds of 30kph plus. This is where Don broke his collarbone today. This 160km ride was completed in 5.5 hours riding time with two very short stops. The wind was almost non-existent for the day except at the end there seemed to be a slight headwind. Temperatures in the high 70s and scattered cloud made it a very pleasant ride on mostly quiet roads.

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