Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 45 Injuries, whether from strain or an accident have a huge emotional impact on the injured rider and to a lesser extent on the whole group. Every one of the riders has their heart set on completing the portion of the ride that they have committed to. Last night we had 3 injured riders return to the camp. Arnie is on crutches after a tendon operation. Tyler marked out the route into Grand Rapids and was to having a drink-stop at his home showed us the long cut on his shoulder where a plate was inserted to hold his collarbone together. Cynthia, who suffered a cracked pelvis was back to ride today with her son Andrew riding guard for her and plans to ride the shorter days next week. Lynn who has a bruised kneecap has missed several days of riding-rode yesterday but not today because of the pain. Today in a moment of exuberance Josh went over his handle bars while standing to accelerate got off lucky with a major scrape on his arm and a few other minor bumps. Each of these people deal with their injury in their own way but the support of the group, family and friends is very important to them. Most have been involved in planning and training for the tour for a year or more. Their pain can be read in the expression on each of their faces. We all go through various emotions and today was a high day with the group ride into Calvin College in Grand Rapids. The hoots from the riders the road lined with people cheering especially as we entered the campus but also at various places along the road. The weather was perfect after we started going east and benefiting from the warmth of the sun. The first part of the ride I rode with Rita, Anne and Bill vL (Florida Bill). We missed the first right turn (new style direction arrows, shadows, inattention who knows?) and ended up in Grand Haven, a place we had debated going to. We eventually found a road that we figured would join up with the designated route and it did. The road was good and fairly flat. At 24kph I asked if Rita was OK. She said yes so I sped up to 25/26. After a while the same question, yes came the reply, so I sped up to 27/28kph. After a while the same question, now she was catching on and said “I’m not saying” which I took as a yes and sped up to 30kph. I was riding in a fairly straight up position to break wind as best I could (cut thru the air not the other). Anne as always stuck to my wheel also cutting more wind. Rita came next and benefited from the turbulence in order to keep this pace (her usual speed is 23/24kph). Bill was the back rider and also had to work to stay with the group. We came across Walter’s motor home SAG stop after riding at this pace for quite a while and passing a lot of riders; both day and sea-to-sea, at which time we stopped. Both Rita and Bill were now hot enough to take their jackets off. The next stop was Lamont CRC for drinks and cookies. Bill stayed back when we left as he was trying to locate his wife Dorothy. We met up with Dorothy at the next church stop. This one had coffee available as well as the usual cookies, bars and other assorted drinks. Next stop was Tyler’s house. From there it was a final ride to the Calvin staging area where we arrived about 12:15. The ride departed about ½ hour later, a short mass ride to the campus. We are booked into the hotel on campus for the next two nights according to the concessionary agreement I have with Rita for accommodations.
PS my regular readers may remember that I went back to the trailer the other day to give my camera a partial charge, well I never completely charged the battery and that’s why it was dead yesterday at least that’s what I’m thinking today.

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