Sunday, August 10, 2008


Anonymous said...

Bill, it's always good to read your blog. I appreciate the time you take to let us know how things are going and reminding us of the reasons you are doing this tour. You are a blessing to us and others along the way - thanks. we continue to keep you and the rest of the cyclists in our prayers as you make an impact on people lives. May you be kept safe on the roads.
blessings from linda and tony

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill and Rita:

We are back from vacation and it was good to catch up on everyone's blogs. We had a wonderful service yesterday in our new church home. The place was packed with our church family and lots of visitors. It feels good to be there after 5-1/2 years roaming. Eric preached on Hannah and Samuel (receiving Samuel from God and then giving him back to Him) Likewise, we too have been able to build a new building with help from God and we also give it back to Him so that we do His will and get on with our mission here on earth. A lot of the songs that were incorporated into this service were songs we also sang on the Sunday service after the fire. You and Rita are not forgotten this summer. We remember you and the other C2C cyclists each Sunday in our congregational prayer. Have a good and safe week of riding. I hope you don't get too much rain.

Shirley & Floris Aukema