Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 30 The word for the day – HOT. Thermometer is pushing 100 now (mid afternoon) and it promises to be this way for the next few days. The idea is to leave earlier in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. The slower riders or those who take more breaks end up riding in the mid afternoon heat. I was fortunate to get away just before 7 this morning,; which is ¾ hr earlier than normal but I only got up ¼ hr earlier so the morning duties are taking less time. I decided to ride straight through again today so prepared food and drink accordingly. The wind was onto my right shoulder most of the day. We had heard it was to be out of the west but it was not to be. From time to time it seemed like the wind was shifting but think now it was just the road changing direction. At best the wind straight on my side, a hot wind from the south. Funny thing is it doesn’t feel that hot while you are in it riding, but when you stop, oh boy it’s hot! Anyway I got here in good time, 5 hrs for 152 km, went to the subway for a milk shake and some cool ice tea. I broke down and went to the Wal-Mart and bought an adult size chair to replace Rita’s kid size I had bought for her earlier on the trip. We started to see trees along the roadway today but they were too far back to give any shade to the road but they could be used Rita just got in at 3:30 but Rita Beerda and Margaret still on the road. I wasn’t able to post again last night; coverage has been spotty. I don’t intend to post regularly anymore. Bye for now. Bill


rbkool said...

Why do you no longer intend to post regularly? I have been enjoying the daily updates!

In any event, enjoy the ride, Bill!

Randall b.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, we too have been reading your blog faithfully, daily. Please reconsider not blogging daily. After reading today's post, I wondered why you needed new hair!!! but I get it now ~ it's a chair you needed! Continued blessings on the journey ~ Terry is looking forward to joining up with the tour in GR ~ lots of training for now. See you in GR. Yvonne and Terry Veldboom

Unknown said...

Ditto for us. We like reading your blog each day so please continue. Every night after supper we turn on the internet and start reading a few of our favourite blogs, and yours is one of them. It keeps us excited about the tour and it keeps us praying for you guys. So thanks for your updates and may God work through you as you cycle and write. Oh yeah, and you needed a larger hair piece because...? The sun baked it off, the wind whipped it off? Anyway I think it was a typo but it made for a good laugh.

Harry & Wilma Z (parents of Matt Z who is also cycling)