Sea-to-Sea NA Day 24
We both said it at the same time, “oh what a beautiful breeze”. The fresh cool pine scented breeze came out of the woods; which lined both sides of the road. This we had not experienced in a yet on this trip. We were one hour into our main climb of the day, the sun was out in full force but the elevation had kept the temperature a little cooler than it was in the past few days but still after an hour of climbing in the second lowest gear we were both hotter than is pleasant. The climb originated in the ski resort town of Steamboat and was a full 11 km long at a steady slope of 6-7% and a climb of 2500ft. One hour and twenty-two minutes later we arrived at the end of the main climb and took a well-deserved break at the SAG wagon.
The 80 km prior to the hill had been a slow climb with the wind in our back. When we were over the top there was a few up and downs before we reached the Continental Divide at about 9500 ft. After that an 11km downhill drop of 1400 ft for which we had the full road and because this was a highway the corners were manageable without the use of the drag brake except for a few. This allowed a maximum speed of just less than 80 kph. For the remainder of the 150km ride the wind direction changed a few times and the there were more downs than up but too many of each.
Camp life has pretty much settle in, who tents were and with whom. Some get up early just after 5, others late sometimes after breakfast time is over at 7:30. Despite more precautionary measures than the 2005 tour people are getting sick, some with colds others the flue. Many have saddle sours, including me. We have several riders out due to injuries and the altitude affects others. Aching muscles heal at night, soar joints come and go during the day depending on the riding conditions. Despite some very busy roads we feel blessed that there have been no serious accidents. Every day except one people have fallen off their bikes for one reason or another but so far getting off with only scraped skin.
Two more days until we reach Denver, and a lot more climbing and soaring to come. Stay tuned.
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