Sea-to-Sea NA Day14
Sunday July 15, two weeks into the ride, everyone is tanned or burnt because of the constant sun. This is most evident when we change into clothes other than cycling attire such as bathing suits. Stripes of brown and white are revealed everywhere. A sense of community has developed that reaches across the traditional age barriers.
Church in the park this morning was hosted by the local CRC, Valley Life Community Church. Putting on a service such as this is quite an undertaking for a small church especially when it included a burger, hotdog and salad lunch. The service also attracted some of the many people who were in the park at the time. We have also had several guests from Alberta and Ontario, riders from the 2005 tour, support people from 2005 and parents of riders in this tour.
We rode our bikes to church and after lunch scattered all over the city. We went for a ride along the bike-path beside the Boise River and were tempted more than once to jump in. The river is a few feet deep in most places and has low dams to control the flow rate. We heard about river floats, an activity here where you drift down river through the city on all sorts of floating devices. There is a bus shuttle; which will take you back to the starting point. This river like all the others we have encountered was very cold but since we were to late to rent a raft some of us laid on our backs and floated in the swift current for a few hundred feet. Believe me that was long enough to cool down.
The ride starts to get serious from here on in. We have to pay for the short distances we have had the last two weeks. I have not looked at the climbing involved but have heard that it comes later in the week. Stay tuned.
Bill and Rita - have been reading your blogs daily - very interesting! I am glad that you will be on your regular bike by the time I get to Denver - read about you taking Ann M for a day's ride with you. Probably wouldn't want to do that but then again you may not have wanted me to join you - just kidding.
Looking forward to seeing you in Denver.
Bill & Rita - talked to one of Joe's step sisters this morning who was playing Dutch Bingo yesterday at her great grandson's first birthday party. She told me she met your son, Michael there and he said his parents were doing the SeatoSea on a Tandem - I'll tell you more of the story once we meet up in 2 weeks time.
Have a great day today - the weather here in Ontario is lovely, I'm ready to go out for a ride too.
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