Monday, September 1, 2008

Sea-to-Sea NA Day 58 The police car came roaring by with siren blaring and lights flashing. Oncoming cars moved out of the way as best they could. Bikes shifted to the right tightening the pack. This was the escorted ride to Liberty State Park, close to 200 riders all in their Sea-to-Sea jersey. It was quite a sight as we drove through the poorer sections of Newark, people cheered, cars honked and trucks blew their air horns. Ladies hung out of windows taking pictures and shouting. Two local boys joined in the procession and asked what this was all about, then phoned his buddy to tell him while riding along with us. Kyle got a flat but continued to ride not wanting to be left behind. As we entered the park, more people, wearing Sea-to-Sea clothing and holding signs congratulating this or that son, uncle mother or the riders in general. In the water ahead were Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, not far from the peer we were riding on. At the end of the boardwalk/peer (which was really surfaced with paving stones) was a large group of family and other tour supporters all cheering in chorus with the hoots of the riders. Earlier I had wondered if the boat launch would be long enough to accommodate us all but it turned out there was a beach as well, which was just long enough for all the riders to line up. Len lead us in the Lord’s Prayer and we proceeded to dip our tires in the water. I did a virtual dip in my head. Brent was the only one who ventured in up to his neck with his bike held high above his head. Later he went for a swim. Pictures were taken, mutual congratulations offered, hugs of welcome and goodbye, a few tears were shed and then it was all over. The 9-week ride from sea to sea, finished as it began, at the sea but on the other side of North America some 6500km away. We loaded the bikes into 2 50’ trailers, packing them as best we could, then we boarded busses for the ride back to Sussex. Quick, quick unload the truck, set out the tent and sleeping bags thanks to the soggy night we had had, get a bike box out disassemble the bike, shower, dress, pack up the stuff that was drying, board busses go to dinner, attend a celebration service (which was very good) board busses, continue packing and saying goodbyes, prepare for sleep in the gym and finally at 12 midnight out went the lights and sleep. The day had started at 5:30 because wagon-train-master had decreed that we should start earlier and have the gear truck loaded by 8. It had rained during the night and there was a light drizzle when Rita, Anne, Val and I set off about 7:20 (Val is a GR rider from Manitoba). It was not exactly an insignificant ride as we climbed many small hills and rode 85km before reaching the staging point. Another group photo was taken on a lawn outside a factory among the evidence of at least a couple of Canadian Geese. We had a near record of flat tires because of the rain and roads littered with glass particles. I will make one more concluding post to the blog in a few days so please check again.

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